Living where you work has its benefits. I don't have to get into a car, fill it with gas, check the tires, brush off the snow (thank God it's summer), dress to inspire, or pack a lunch. What I do need to be particularly aware of is how every farm need, and each and every weed stare me in the face daily. More like every minute.
I am sooo thankful to the Creator, Yahovah, for thinking with great love towards mankind in creating a day of rest. A day of no work especially for us. There are times I struggle to enjoy and honor this precious gift, as the cares of this world can work with great demands on one's mind. My farm is also a precious gift from the Creator. It is my desire to honor Yahovah with all I have-- heart, mind, soul, strength, and resources. One of Rhythm & Blooms Farm's goals is to be a lifestyle center. I see this property as a place to share all my years of learning, training and experience in holistic nutrition, herbal and natural health care, permaculture for the land, and personal nature bathing. Most importantly is developing spiritual and emotional health through living out the Word of God. This is why every Friday evening at sundown our farm begins a 24-hour time of rest. We use the later afternoon to prepare for our special time. Friday is the day we wind down and tie up little needs to prepare to release the "To Do List" from our minds. The time is also used to prep a very special meal which always (ok, usually) includes freshly baked Challah bread, special salads, and floral raw food cakes. It's also a time to get out of the field, and clean the house. We make sure the items that piled up during the week are distributed to the correct landing space, and the rooms are clean and inviting. It is also a day to dress up and prepare to go to the party. Saturday is spent resting, lounging, playing, reading. Every week there is a new portion of God's Word call the Parsaha (portion) read by Torah followers around the world. I have placed a link to the weekly schedule at the bottom of this writing. Yeshua, the son of God (Proverbs 30:4) was God's word in flesh. Yeshua said He is written about in the volume of The Book. It's an added joy to look for the revelation of Yeshua in each weekly Portion. The Book of Revelation states the testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophesy. The Biblical word is history, teaching and spiritual food for our present needs, and revelation of what is to come. At our farm we offer a welcoming hand to anyone interested in this lifestyle. Each Friday evening you are invited to join us in the back yard with the smoker and soon-to-come brick oven for Sabbath meal and Torah Portion talks. You can find information on how to connect to this free experience on our Sales Page. Shabbat Shalom. Wishing you peace on the Sabbath day. Torah Portion information
Rhythm and Blooms Archives
May 2021
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